Sunday, November 18, 2007

a full but fun weekend

This weekend we went to Little Rock for our annual Razorback's game with Bridget and Paul. (Bridget and I became friends when I lived in AR.) It was so fun to get together with our families and it is a blessing to have a friendship that lasts through many phases of life. And the Razorback's won in style! here are a few pictures of the kids! They loved being together.
Marlee was stealing the show here...
they took a bath together (this will only be allowed for a couple more years) and notice how wet Toby's head is...and the full cup of water in Marlee's hand...get ready for another shower, Toby.

Toby also loved interacting with JP...when they are older I am sure they will be fast friends!

Marlee knows how to handle him already...I think I've seen this picture somewhere else, but they are missing the pitchfork...

Before we left town we had to stop by and see Lance, Heather, Caleb and little Luke. (our friends who moved to LR from STL.) It was great to reconnect with them quickly and it was fun to meet 4 week old Luke! We miss them and wish they still lived here. couldn't these two break some hearts!?

poor little Luke needing some attention too...

Toby to the rescue...


Megan said...

you were 45 minutes away from me all weekend, and i didnt even know it?! thats one of the saddest things i've heard all week. and it's only monday. ;) well i really might be in stl over christmas. it will be around new years. right before konnection in branson