Wednesday, July 09, 2008

a pretty good training day!

Day 3 was much improved from day 2 and I am thankful for that. Toby wet his pants 2x and both while we were playing outside. I kind of knew that we needed to be heading towards the potty, but thought I'd give it another minute. I am learning as much as he is during this potty training.
cute story...he was sitting on the potty and I needed to do something quickly in the kitchen. I heard him saying, "potty, potty, potty" over and over. I came around the corner to see him standing over his potty seat pointing at the seat with excitement saying ,"potty, potty..." So we cheered, said "bye, bye" to the pee pee, and gave each other a high-five! It was really cute.
just for fun, here are some great pictures from the 4th of July at the Lake. It was pretty chilly and I didn't pack anything warm for Toby, so he wore Phoebe's pink jacket. We all said, if we have a girl here is what she will look like. (only real men can wear pink and be excited about it)

notice Toby...he is terrified of boat least at the start
he is feeling more comfortable, but still not sure he likes it
ok, he is finally enjoying himself


life with the wisners said...

wow. thirty-two weeks pregnant and looking


va va va voom.

i am so excited for you to have two. so much fun!

Megan said...

how does your child have blonde hair kel? seriously?! how are you? love ya

Auntie Joannie said...

Our Toby is handsome in any color!!! Sounds like he is doing better with the potty, good for him! The Lake sounds like a really fun place. Can't wait to hear what our new addition is and Kelli you do look great! Love to all of you!

The Wagners said...

Mrs Wilmotskia,

You are a brave soul. My wife actually woke me up last night with word that the Wilmot's were potty training an 18 month old. Not just any 18 month old, an 18 month old boy. FYI, boys are a little slow. I will piggy back on a previous post with "what are you smoking", but back that up with a "you go girl".
