We just got back from New Hampshire where we were able to show off our sweet little guy to all of Joe's family. We had a great time and here is what we did...
Leavin' on a jet plane...
The guys got in the hot tub with the kids...
Back at Joe's parents house...(we were there the rest of the weekend)
Joe's Auntie Joan came to the house to meet Toby!
My cousin Anna is going to school in Boston, so she was able to spend some time with us, and I witnessed Toby's first crush. Just look at him looking at Anna!And now for the big event...the MEET THE BABY PARTY! Joe's mom did a great job with all the detailsm and everyone had a wonderful time.
so much for our diet!
We ended the vacation with attending church on Palm Sunday. It was a great week and Toby loved the time he had with his NH relatives.
We enjoyed your visit! It was great to see you and meet Toby. He was so good all day. He's a beautiful baby!
Toby is a handsome boy,--we are so happy for the two of you!! It was great to meet you (finally)Kellie and wonderful to see you again Joseph :) Much love to all- can't wait for your next visit. Love Paula and Gene
so i havent been able to figure out who toby looks like... until i just saw that picture of toby and ela by themselves. spitting image of joe.
this is the first time i've laid eyes on beautiful Toby. congrats Joe, you've brought your clone into the world! he's adorable.
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